Sunday, January 30, 2011

Black and White Pictures

I love taking black and white pictures. There's just this gentleness and peacefulness about them.

But sometimes you can get black and white without changing the settings on an overcast day. You just have to wait until the sun peaks out a little behind the tree or whatever and take it before the camera adjusts the light like what I did for this one... It would be called back lighting. When the light is behind the subject and therefore makes a silhouette thingy.

But you can kind of see the colour in the tree.

(Y) ~ Zaria

Stupid Lizard!

So at the same time I was fooling around with my camera when I took the pictures of the Gully(see previous post) I saw this lizard on my fence (this is all in my back yard). I kept on trying to take pictures of it, but I don't think I got a good one.

I kept changing my settings for each one, but while I was changing them the last time, the lizard scurried away, unnoticed. But instead of taking pictures of the lizard itself, I think I more took pictures of my neighbour's back yard.

(Y) ~ Zaria


So the other day *cough* yesterday *cough* I was taking pictures for the Photography Club I'm in, and I started taking pics of the gully behind my house. And let me tell you, it was aweful. There's garbage everywhere. Totally disgusting.

Please tell me what you think. No. I probably know what your going to say.
"Ewwwwww! Why are you polluting the gully like that!?"

But the thing is, it's not me, my family, nor my neighbours. There's just this big huge supermarket thingy across the gully and I think they might be the cause.
But it might not be them either. Gullies run for miles and miles and more miles. This rubbish could have come from somewhere further up and just traveled down along with the flow of the water.

And the thing is. The government sometimes cleans the gullies. But then the garbage just comes back. And they don't have millions and millions of dollars to clean gullies all the time. We need to get people to know that they can't pollute the gullies with their garbage. It's just not fair.
Jamaica is supposed to be this awesome place for tourists and such but what tourist would want to see that?

(Y) ~Zaria