Monday, November 24, 2008

My Lovely Teacher

My teacher is nice to us. Some times she would get disappointed or very annoyed at some of the children because of the way they might act to her or around her. She likes to open up to have discussions and I find that very interesting because of the way she does it. From my point of view she doesn't embarrass us unless we really deserve it.

Since she is new here at Immaculate she isn't used to marking so much tests, so sometimes in her self expression I can know that she is getting stressed out. Luckily for her she gets to leave and go back to where she usually teaches. Most of us feel sad that we might miss her and I know she'll miss us very much. She will surely have a lot of stories to tell her class when she goes back.

I'm planning on giving her a fair well poster to thank her for teaching us and to let her know that we'll miss her very much.


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