Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Animes Are These Pictures From?

Okay...This isn't what you would call a good post, but it involves something that I really want to know.  I see some really nice anime pictures on the Internet but I can't find out which anime they're from.  My profile picture is an example of this.

I just found it on Google and I liked it, so I put it on my profile.  So I was wondering if anyone could tell me which anime it's from. (PLEASE!!! ';l )

This is another one that I saw that made me interested(...in a good way ;-) )  :

So please (PLEASE) just leave a comment and let me know OK?  Thanks guys! 


P.S. I think I got the right font for the peace sign. Yeah!!! :D


Monday, October 18, 2010

Marmalade Boy

So right now I'm watching an anime called 'Marmalade Boy'. I know that it's a really old one, but I haven't been able to watch it until recently.

It's about a girl whose parents(A) go on a week long vacation and meet this other couple(B). So A's lady falls in love with B's man, and A's man falls in love with B's lady. The B couple have a son. The two couples find out that everyone feels the same way, so they decide to get divorces and switch partners. Because they were thinking about their kids they decided to rent one big house and just have everyone live there.

The story is basically about how the boy and the girl fall in love. It's a really old one and from what I've heard, the manga's better than the anime, but frankly... I don't really care. I still understand the story so there's no problem with it for me.

Please leave a comment to tell me what you thought of Marmalade Boy.




'New Generation' vs 'Old Generation'

You know... the 'New Generation'(my generation) is making life way easier.  It's like we're breaking down all the complications of life and simplifying them to the smallest degree.  And then we know that the people whose jobs it is to keep the complicated stuff(scientists, technologists, etc...) they keep it to themselves and just show us the simple stuff.

The 'Old Generation'(no offense to the old generation people), their way of thinking is just so... weird. It's like they want life to be more complicated than it actually is. Now I'm not talking about all old people, I happen to know some old folks who are pretty cool, but the majority is complicating the whole way of life thing.  They were smart(kinda) in the way that they developed  and discovered new things... but in the individual aspect, like the way of life of a regular, average person is just so old like. You know?

It's kind of like Macintosh versus PC.  Mac just took all the principles and mistakes of Microsoft and made everything better and easier to use.

These are just some of my thoughts about this. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think also.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

You know,  I was just thinking about it and it occurred to me that animes have been influencing my life a lot.  I mean I'm now the student councillor of my class because I watched Kaichou wa Maid-sama... which is about a girl who is the president of the student council.
I'm even thinking of becoming a doctor because I watched Itazura na Kiss.  But I know that I can't let animes just run my life.  I have to think long and hard about these life long decisions.  I know that. I'll be smart about it.

This thought just occurred to me so I thought I would share it with you. You can leave your comments about it too.



So the other day, my brother showed me this video and I was thinking,
"This video is so good, but it hardly has any views." So what better way to get this video more views than to show it on my blog.
It's just so hilarious. I don't know if you'll understand some parts of it if you don't watch Naruto, but you might so you can still try. But even if you don't watch Naruto, the jokes will still be there.

I absolutely L-O-V-E this video. Please leave a comment to tell me if you like it too.

Okay so now I'm watching this anime called Marmalade Boy(I'm at episode 4). I know it's been around for a long time, but I'm only now getting around to watching it. In some ways it kind of reminds me of Peach Girl. Like how the girl has to choose between two guys(somehow I always know who the girl is gonna end up with).

So I was thinking about it. If two guys like me, they both know that the other person likes me, and I can't choose between the two... then I might just tell them to fight over me. Like to have some sort of competition over me.

But discussing that matter...that would be kinda mean. It's hard to explain. Okay, so I tell them to fight over me, that would mean that I don't fully love either one, because I wouldn't be able to choose. You know?

But then if they really did like me, like seriously, then they would do whatever it takes to get me, right. To make it easier on myself, I could just go and get a different guy. But then that would leave the other two guys hanging there just like that and they'd be thinking,
"Why the hell was I fighting for someone that didn't even like me enough to choose me over some other guy."
And then you go back to the part that says: "Love is selfish."
and then I'll say: "Ugh why can't love be easy? It isn't all that easy for someone like me to be selfish like that. Why can't there be some magical being that tells us upon birth who we are meant to be with?"
and then they'd say: "Life is about finding and choosing your love. It's about the things that you go through to find it and what you end up doing in the end."
and then I'd be like: "Ugh. Just give me a break!! You make it sound like it's so easy but in reality it's so hard."
"No. You're just making it seem hard. You have the choice of whether or not your going to make it so hard."

But then, regarding that last part, I was thinking about it recently(btw, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately), and it occurred to me that we have the choice to do what's right, wrong, good or easy, in any given moment that it calls.
What I mean is...
You know how they say life goes on? Ok so while life is 'going on', that's when you make your choices. In every second that passes, that's when you make your choices. And after you make them and act on it, you can't change it.
This also occurred to me: "Yesterday feels just as distant as my four-year old birthday party." I can't go back and change the things that I did, the choices that I made or the things that I said.

When I think about all these things, everything just kinda comes together. All the proverbs and sayings, everything... they all add up.
It's just so amazing.

Wow!! This post lead to a lot of amazing things. First I was talking about anime then love, then life, then choices. Wow. This is why animes are good for people.


P.S. : I'll tell you more about Marmalade Boy and Peach Girl in another post. Look forward to them!! ;-)


Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Passed GSAT and Guess What......... I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP

Remember I was telling you how I had this big examination coming up(the reason I wasn't writing all that much)? WELL....... I got a 97% average.

100% Mathematics
100% English
98% Science
95% Social Studies
91% Communication Tasks

So since my average was a 97, I got a scholarship.
But, I happen to know some people who got a higher average than me who didn't get a scholarship. Lucky me.

Bye guys,
Until nextime.